Latin America and the Caribbean
Administered 63,992 COVID-19 vaccines in the health areas of Quiché, Ixcán, Alta Verapaz, Huehuetenango, and San Marcos between May 2022 and March 2023.
Developed and implemented a tool designed for recording daily vaccination site data, allowing for daily monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered; vaccine administration schedules by age, sex, and pregnancy status; and surveillance of events suspected to be attributable to vaccination or immunization.
Increased percentage of the population that is fully vaccinated (i.e., received first and second doses) by 7.7 percent by using the national vaccination data system to identify clients eligible for second or booster doses, and conducting household follow-up visits to offer additional doses.
Hired, trained, and mobilized 52 staff — including vaccinators, data entry clerks, and vaccination center managers — in support of the national Strategy to Strengthen the COVID-19 Vaccination Plan in Rural Areas.
Partnered with local health area directorates and municipal health district authorities to disseminate COVID-19 vaccination messages in local languages to overcome vaccine hesitancy among indigenous communities in the western and northern regions.
Featured resources
Improving COVID-19 Vaccine Access among Rural Communities in the Western Highlands of Guatemala | Download |
Technical areas
COVID-19 vaccination