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Latin America and the Caribbean




Period of performance: December 2021 – April 2024


Completed the country’s first comprehensive oxygen ecosystem assessment in 28 facilities across four departments, resulting in the development of a comprehensive action plan to better manage this medical resource; this was presented to the Ministry of Health and seven departments.

Developed the first accredited academic diploma training course on medical oxygen therapy — in collaboration with the University of Saint Francis Xavier of Chuquisaca — which includes 800 hours of instruction. Three hundred nursing graduates from the public health system in Bolivia have completed the course, and it continues to be available to support the professional development and clinical education of both nurses and nursing students.

Installed seven oxygen therapy training and simulation laboratories for the continuing training of medical and nursing health professionals and students from seven departments across Bolivia, which provides hands-on, real-time training opportunities.

Technical areas

Clinical care

Oxygen ecosystem strengthening

Supporting the health workforce


Asociación Protección a la Salud (PROSALUD)

Programa de Coordinación en Salud Integral (PROCOSI)