Latin America and the Caribbean
El Salvador

Increased capacity to provide critical care by supporting the delivery and use of 158 donated mechanical ventilators to 31 hospitals and subsequently trained 540 health care personnel on their operation and maintenance, streamlined procedures for government approval of the donation, and developed a plan to transport, warehouse, and distribute the donated medical devices.
Built the capacity of the health workforce to effectively manage COVID-19 cases and protect themselves from infection by training 1,313 health care workers on the latest COVID-19 clinical case management protocols; training 682 health care workers on COVID-19 antiviral administration; and training 1,737 health care workers in infection prevention and control, and water, sanitation, and hygiene best practices.
Supported the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines by training 1,817 health care personnel on topics including pharmacovigilance, community risk awareness, safe vaccine handling and administration, and vaccine cold chain, and donated 85 thermoses for proper storage and transportation of vaccines.
Trained 134 health care personnel in telemedicine, conducted a teleconsultation pilot, and donated four webcams to health care facilities to allow for teleconsultation during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Enhanced COVID-19 testing availability by procuring 17,000 rapid COVID-19 tests and partnering with the Ministry of Health on the “Test to Treat” initiative which promoted testing through a demand creation strategy.
Featured resources
Increasing the capacity to provide high-quality clinical management of COVID-19 cases in El Salvador |
Technical areas
Clinical care
COVID-19 vaccination
Supporting the health workforce
Laboratory and diagnostics strengthening
Fundación Duarte Salazar
Fundación Seraphim
Asociación Nacional de Enfermeras de El Salvador (ANES)