Latin America and the Caribbean
Increased demand for vaccines and promoted COVID-19 preventive behaviors: reached 29,4198 people with messages through social media platforms; hosted 19 community sensitization sessions, reaching over 2,000 people in rural and inner-city communities; and distributed over 2,500 educational materials in communities.
Increased availability of medical oxygen in two hospitals by installing medical oxygen systems, including two 4,000-gallon liquid oxygen tanks; connecting more than 600 patient beds to piped oxygen; and delivering over 135,000 litres of liquid oxygen.
Acquired and retrofitted two new 29-seat buses into fully equipped, state-of-the-art mobile clinics to support integrated health service delivery in hard-to-reach rural areas. Services including pap smears, blood sugar checks, blood pressure checks, and screening for COVID-19, STIs, and mental health were provided to 1,190 people.
Built the capacity of health system actors: trained 77 community outreach workers on COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement; and trained 41 administrative, operational and nursing staff in two hospitals on the use, management, and routine maintenance of liquid oxygen systems.
Working in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness, developed sustainability plans to ensure the long-term viability of liquid medical oxygen systems. The plans will assist the Ministry of Health and Wellness and beneficiary hospitals to manage the liquid oxygen investments in the long term, covering human resources, training, procurement, budgeting, forecasting, and usage management.
Technical areas
Oxygen ecosystem strengthening
COVID-19 vaccination
Jamaica AIDS Support for Life (JASL)
FHI 360