EpiC’s global impact: Addressing COVID-19 in 54 countries

Since 2020, the USAID-funded Meeting Targets to Maintain Epidemic Control (EpiC) project has worked with partner governments to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. When COVID-19 emerged as a global health threat, USAID called on several FHI 360-led projects, including the EpiC project, to support government partners to maintain essential HIV services and respond to the […]


Leçons tirées d’un projet pilote Tester et Traiter (T2T) de la COVID-19 au Sénégal 

Dr Selly Ba, Directrice Technique Associée Covid, EpiC SénégalThiarra Diagne, agent technique gestion des connaissances, EpiC Sénégal Version française ci-dessous. English version follows.  La pandémie à COVID-19 est responsable de plus de 550 millions d’infections et 6 millions de décès dans le monde depuis le début de 2019. Depuis 2022, l’OMS a recommandé l’utilisation de […]


Building a stronger oxygen ecosystem in Namibia: Exploring investment opportunities in liquid oxygen 

Audrey Battu, Senior Director, Essential Medicines, Clinton Health Access Initiative Dennis Walusimbi, Program Manager, Clinton Health Access Initiative Namibia  Ayush Gupta, Senior Associate, Markets, Clinton Health Access Initiative  Hypoxemia, or low blood oxygen, can be a life-threatening condition without access to supplemental medical oxygen for treatment. The prevalence, impact, and management of hypoxemia in Namibia is influenced […]


USAID’s EpiC project supports Global Fund investments in Papua New Guinea to fortify health systems during the COVID-19 pandemic

Since 2002, the Global Fund has invested more than US$60 billion to fight the deadliest infectious diseases on earth: HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria. To protect those programs during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Fund created the COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) in 2020 to fight COVID-19, adapt lifesaving HIV, TB and malaria programs, and reinforce […]


Paraguay launches first-of-its-kind digital system to track medical oxygen

“Do you remember a year ago, when all we had was a WhatsApp group to ask questions of each other and send pictures of the oxygen purities?” Rodrigo Romero, head of the Paraguay Ministry of Health´s Medical Gas Department offered this poignant reflection during the opening remarks of an event celebrating the launch, training, and validation of the country’s first digital oxygen maintenance tracking system that the Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project hosted in Paraguay in March. 


Protecting older adults in Indonesia through COVID-19 vaccination

Older, unvaccinated adults are more likely to get severe illness or die from COVID-19. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on older adults in Indonesia—patients over the age of 60 comprise more than half of COVID-related intensive care unit admissions and suffer from the lowest recovery rate and highest mortality rate.1 Evidence shows that being fully vaccinated significantly reduces the risk of COVID-related hospitalization and death and is one of the most powerful tools we have against the pandemic.