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Asia Pacific




Period of performance: May 2020 – May 2025


Strengthened laboratory capacity by providing COVID-19 laboratory test reagents, equipment, and other supplies to support laboratory and diagnostic services at the regional and central levels.

Administered 1,395,180 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine between November 2021 and August 2023. Supported the Department of Disease Control (DDC) to roll out COVID-19 vaccination services by compensating staff, procuring equipment, and holding COVID-19 response meetings. In addition, the project provided personnel support for vaccine service delivery to local health authorities in 13 provinces.

To address challenges resulting from multiple COVID-19 vaccination and COVID-19 case history data platforms in Thailand, EpiC cleaned, analyzed, visualized, and presented all available COVID-19 vaccine and clinical data to the DDC and conducted training sessions on data visualization and the use of the centralized data platform for 40 DDC specialists. The improved data quality and other system improvements resulted in better utilization of the data as well as timely data-driven decisions.

In collaboration with Prince of Songkla University (PSU), conducted a mixed-methods study on using social and behavioral change communication and community engagement to increase COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among groups at high risk in three low-uptake southern border provinces. The study results were presented as policy recommendations to local stakeholders and are being adopted by local governments and community organizations.

Developed a community-led surveillance and preparedness (CLSP) system for infectious diseases in collaboration with the Institute of HIV Research and Innovation (IHRI), communities, and local health authorities in three districts across three provinces; trained 142 community and government stakeholders to implement the CLSP system; and garnered buy-in from provincial health offices as well as the Department of Disease Control to scale up the CLSP system in additional subdistricts across three provinces.

Technical areas

Clinical care

COVID-19 vaccination

Supporting the health workforce

Laboratory and diagnostics strengthening

Pandemic preparedness

Community-based surveillance

Data system strengthening


The Institute of HIV Research and Innovation (IHRI)

Mplus Foundation

Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand (RSAT)

Service Workers in Group (SWING) Foundation

The Prince of Songkla University (PSU)

FHI 360