Latin America and the Caribbean
Strengthened the national oxygen ecosystem by designing and conducting a national training program to increase capacity of clinical teams and nonclinical operations professionals to effectively use and manage medical oxygen.
Trained and accredited 20 doctors from 12 regions as lead trainers, who in turn trained 1,698 doctors and nurses from 600 health centers in 15 regions in the appropriate use of medical oxygen therapy.
Launched a facility-level training course for biomedical engineers, technicians, and maintenance personnel called the Maintenance and Analysis of Oxygen Plants Course.
Donated training materials, mannequins, pulse oximeters, oxygen masks, gloves, hand gel, and other supplies to the regional heads of the Ministry of Health (MOH) to support graduates of EpiC trainings and other clinical personnel with the materials necessary to learn clinical skills and put them into practice.
Convened six technical working group meetings with MOH representatives and oxygen stakeholders in different regions to discuss barriers to consistent oxygen management and advance locally led efforts to strengthen a sustainable oxygen ecosystem in Peru.
Technical areas
Clinical care
Oxygen ecosystem strengthening
Partners in Health