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Facility technicians received training on the maintenance of oxygen and case management equipment. Photo by EpiC Mali.


Period of performance: August 2021 – December 2024


Vaccinated 1,034,318 people against COVID-19, contributing to the national vaccination rate of 23 percent. Approaches included vaccination outreach; supporting 337 Community Health Centers and 19 Reference Health Centers to conduct supervision, microplan, and train and pay vaccinators and data entry personnel; and planning regional COVID-19 vaccination campaigns. EpiC also trained 690 community mobilizers and health workers on COVID-19 vaccine promotion and 50 directors of Community Health Centers across three districts on COVID-19 vaccination data entry into the national District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) platform.

Supported the Global Fund’s country coordinating mechanism (CCM) to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria programs. EpiC trained 34 staff from civil society organizations, the private sector, and local NGOs to understand Global Fund guidelines and supported the CCM to map governance platforms within the health sector and develop a strategic positioning plan.

Strengthened the medical oxygen ecosystem by conducting assessments at nine facilities, developing or improving standard operating procedures and logistics to deliver centrally available oxygen to facilities, and supporting nine public hospitals to continue operation of oxygen production plants during electrical outages. EpiC also trained health facility staff to maintain and use the oxygen infrastructure, including 76 providers on the clinical management of hypoxia and respiratory care and 18 maintenance technicians on managing, maintaining, and repairing oxygen therapy equipment and consumables.

Supported COVID-19 vaccination data entry into the national DHIS2 platform by conducting a training workshop and paying allowances for data clerks in the regions of Bamako, Sikasso, and Segou.

Technical areas

Oxygen ecosystem strengthening

COVID-19 vaccination

Supporting the health workforce


FHI 360