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Asia Pacific



NCHADS and EpiC deliver personal protective equipment to Prey Veng ART site. Photo by EpiC Cambodia.


Period of performance: May 2022 – September 2023


Maintained access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) services during the COVID-19 pandemic by supporting the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology, and STDs (NCHADS) to create motivational counseling training curricula focused on adherence to medication and developing a cohort of 27 lead trainers. To reduce interruption in treatment, updated standard operating procedures for multi-month dispensing of ART — including for children and adolescents —which obtained approval from NCHADS and is now implemented nationally.

Increased access to HIV self-testing (HIVST) modalities during the COVID-19 pandemic by supporting the NCHADS AIDS Care Unit to conduct a training on HIVST for 144 health care workers from eight ART sites, and a two-day training on HIVST for 36 new outreach workers and field staff. This resulted in strengthened capacity on guidelines for HIVST implementation; HIV prevention and linkage to care; performing HIVST; distributing HIVST test kits in the community; motivational counseling (MC); and data collection and reporting.

Ensured that access to HIV prevention services was not interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic by convening a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) network meeting that allowed providers and outreach workers to share best practices for PrEP provision; supported low uptake sites to improve; and prepared actions plans for strengthening and improving PrEP provisions.

Provided personal protective equipment, soap, and sanitizer through the National Centre for HIV/AIDS Dermatology and STDs (NCHADS) and community-based partner organizations to protect health care workers at 72 ART sites across all 25 provinces.

Provided technical assistance to NCHADS to assess reasons for PrEP discontinuation among men who have sex with men and transgender individuals and conducted an acceptability assessment on Cabotegravir-long acting injectable for HIV treatment.

Technical areas

Supporting the health workforce

Continuity of HIV services during the COVID-19 pandemic


FHI 360