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Period of performance: August 2021 – August 2024


Implemented a COVID-19 Test to Treat pilot project designed for early detection of COVID-19 through rapid testing and treatment with antiviral therapy for those at high risk of severe outcomes.  The pilot was implemented in 15 facilities in three districts (Greater Gaborone, Greater Francistown and Chobe district), resulting in 7,164 symptomatic people being tested for COVID-19, 417 new cases confirmed, and 173 eligible clients treated with antivirals.

Reached over 42,485 people with a range of social and behavior change activities that significantly shifted public risk perception of COVID-19, building more favorable perceptions of testing and treatment.

Held a national meeting in March 2024 to collect lessons learned from the Test to Treat pilot project, provide recommendations, and identify steps for rapid implementation of a testing and treatment strategy in response to future emerging health threats. Recommendations included information on how to integrate testing and treatment into primary health care to strengthen emergency preparedness and response.

Administered 162,105 COVID-19 vaccine doses in 10 EpiC-supported districts through a combination of vaccine delivery approaches including door-to-door campaigns, community outreach, and mass vaccination events.

Developed COVID-19 information, education, and communication materials for marginalized communities in remote areas, including materials for deaf and blind clients. Materials were translated into indigenous languages Sekalaka, Sembukushu and Sekgalagadi and formatted into audiovisual and braille.

Featured resources

Increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Botswana through community outreach and door-to-door vaccinationDownload
Expanding access to COVID-19 vaccines in Botswana via drive-through sites and mobile outreachView

Technical areas

Clinical care

COVID-19 vaccination


Botswana Christian Health and AIDS Intervention Program (BOCHAIP)

Humana People to People (HPP)

Tebelopele Wellness Centers (TWC)

Botswana Gender Based Violence Center (BGBVC)

Letloa Trust/Kuru

FHI 360